Small Business Survival in the Age of COVID-19: What You Need to Do

If you’re like most small business owners, the pandemic caused you to adapt your business strategy, explore new growth opportunities, transition to a remote work environment, and close your physical location to comply with local stay-at-home orders. Now that stay-at-home restrictions have eased and many businesses have reopened their doors to the public, [...]

By |2020-07-28T19:22:47+00:00July 28th, 2020|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on Small Business Survival in the Age of COVID-19: What You Need to Do

Business Between The Ears (TM): Mindset Coaching For Entrepreneurs.

Small business owners in Orange County, Los Angeles County, San Diego County and across the country are looking for many things. Some seek strategic guidance. Others want to see their marketing campaigns deliver better results. Or their sales efforts bear more fruit. But whatever the motivation to seek coaching is, just about every business [...]

By |2020-06-12T22:53:08+00:00June 12th, 2020|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on Business Between The Ears (TM): Mindset Coaching For Entrepreneurs.

Reinvent or Re-imagine Your Business – In A Hurry!

Who else needs to reinvent or reimagine their business — in a hurry? Considering the merits of working with a marketing coach. The Orange County, Los Angeles and San Diego business communities each have unique characteristics that set them apart. But right now, these regional business powerhouses have something extremely important in common: Thousands [...]

By |2020-05-07T00:17:12+00:00May 7th, 2020|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on Reinvent or Re-imagine Your Business – In A Hurry!

Orange County Personal Business Coach

Improve Yourself, Improve Your Business: The Power of a Personal Coach What is a Personal Business Coach? You might say a personal business coach is a life coach for business owners. A qualified personal business coaches understands the world of the entrepreneur. The goal? To help you succeed and reach your goals. Many small [...]

By |2018-10-12T22:22:25+00:00October 12th, 2018|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on Orange County Personal Business Coach

Orange County Marketing Coach

Get More Clients, Make More Money Faster with a Marketing Coach   Working as a Small Business and Overcoming Marketing Challenges In today’s marketing world, digital advertising and a strong media presence are two major factors in successful marketing. But, for a small business, wearing too many hats can distract owners and senior executives [...]

By |2018-10-05T18:05:12+00:00September 26th, 2018|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on Orange County Marketing Coach

Orange County Business Mindset Coach

What is a Business Mindset Coach and Who Might Benefit? The mission of a business mindset coach is to help business owners, entrepreneurs and executives discover new things about themselves that can help them succeed at a higher level in their professional and personal lives. Business mindset coaching is similar to professional life coaching [...]

By |2018-08-31T17:49:11+00:00August 31st, 2018|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on Orange County Business Mindset Coach

What It Means to be a Leader in the Executive World To set your company apart, start by developing strong leadership skills. What is the foundation of a successful business? What sets apart companies that are household names and ones that aren't even remembered by their clients? Strong, lasting leadership. As the owner and [...]

By |2018-08-28T21:51:18+00:00August 28th, 2018|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on

How Do I Know I’ve Found My Forever Career?

How Do I Know I’ve Found My Forever Career? Do you want to stay in your current career for the rest of your life? If your answer to that question is “yes!,” congratulations — you are ahead of the game. But for many people, it can be tricky to decide if it makes sense [...]

By |2018-08-15T20:15:11+00:00August 15th, 2018|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on How Do I Know I’ve Found My Forever Career?

How a website calamity created a wonderful opportunity: A message from BNI member Rob Wagner

The news from the hosting company was bad. “Your website has been attacked by malware, and you need to go immediately to your control panel and change your passwords.”  Which I did. But it was too late.  In a follow-up email, the hosting company informed me that they’d taken my site off line, due [...]

By |2017-09-18T15:45:17+00:00September 13th, 2017|The Hum Business Blog|Comments Off on How a website calamity created a wonderful opportunity: A message from BNI member Rob Wagner
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